Raccolta SAVNO

by Mauro Frezza



2022 calendars being uploaded by volunteers.The project currently has limited support.****SAVNO collection is the NOT official application for withdrawals and information on waste collection in the left Piave area in the province of Treviso. With this application you will always have all the information on separate waste collection at your fingertips and you will never forget to take out the waste!The application allows you to consult withdrawals, setting the appearance of notifications the day before the various withdrawals. It is also possible to consult the Differential by carrying out searches within it.For each municipality there is also information on the various offices, eco-counters and recycling centers with their opening hours, telephone numbers, fax numbers and addresses that can be viewed on a map.The municipalities of the province of Treviso available are:- Major Chapel;- Cessalt;- Chiarano;- Cimadolmo;- Cison di Valmarino;- Codognè;- Colle Umberto;- Conegliano;- Cordignano;- Farra di Soligo;- Follina;- Drinking fountains;- Fregona;- Gaiarine;- Godega di SantUrbano;- Gorgo al Monticano;- Mansuè;- Mareno di Piave;- Meduna di Livenza;- Miane;- Moriago della Battaglia;- Motta di Livenza;- Oderzo;- Ormelle;- Orsago;- Pieve di Soligo;- Ponte di Piave;- Portobuffolè;- Refrontolo;- Revine Lago;- Salgareda;- San Fior;- San Pietro di Feletto;- San Polo di Piave;- San Vendemiano;- Santa Lucia di Piave;- Sarmede;- Segusino;- Sernaglia della Battaglia;- Tarzo;- Valdobbiadene;- Vazzola;- Vidor;- Vittorio Veneto.LEGAL NOTICES:The application is NOT official, therefore any errors or inaccuracies in the data are not attributable to SAVNO but to the developer. Any rights and copyrights are attributable to the legitimate owners.